Book Drive
We are starting to gather our collection and are wondering if you have any new or used books, videos or audio recordings of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama’s teachings that you would like to help us by July 6, 2024. The Library and Learning Center will be a lasting resource where people can study and practice the teachings of His Holiness with the support and guidance of monks from Namgyal Monastery.
"We intend this Library and Learning Center to be an actual, as well as virtual, gathering place for all those who are interested in his teachings, regardless of where they come from, their education or social status. What will bring us all together are the human values that we all share".
- Tenzin Choesang
President of the Namgyal Monastery Institute and
the Dalai Lama Library and Learning Center
Letter From President of Namgyal Monastery

Give the Gift of Learning
We are requesting 10 copies of each book. Used or new books (paperback or hardcopy), purchased on Amazon or elsewhere is greatly appreciated.
Here is an Amazon Wish list of the books you can help us obtain. Simply select the book you want to purchase for our library and it will be send to us directly.
Here are all the books published by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama’s teachings: click here.
If you have new or used books on our list you would like to donate, please send it directly to 201 Tibet Drive, Ithaca, New York 14850.